Bitmoji Sticker Faces

Bitmoji Sticker Faces

Posted by Toni Blake on Sep 04, 2018

We know that there are SO many ways to use sticker faces but did you know they could be used as an innovative tool for businesses? For the past 5 years, fellow sticker lover Toni Blake has been using sticker faces to improve her business. 

This year, National Apartment Speaker Toni Blake, has developed a new way to make communicating with clients in the apartment leasing industry more memorable, fun and exciting by using what she calls, Emojimail (e-cards with Bitmojis). Once a leasing agent creates their Bitmoji, they can import messages and customize them via to connect with future residents looking for apartments on their clients properties.

To carry the plan one step farther, Toni and her client Victoria Cowart of Darby Development Company, have begun getting their Bitmoji face's printed as sticker faces for the face-to-face leasing experience. This allows them to add their face to business cards and other collateral material. 

Below is an example of the Bitmoji sticker face being implemented on print collateral. 

We love seeing fun, innovative ways our sticker faces can make a difference! If you would like to follow Toni's lead and create Bitmoji sticker faces for your business, use coupon code TOTALLYTONI for a 10% discount off your first order at  My Sticker Face